Monday, October 26, 2009

Ain't a Fashion Blogger

hey how are you guys? wishing y'all fine :) this month is the most dynamic month ever. sometimes it was freaking hot and few hours later it was raining. and that's why I'm having fever (again) and skip today's class (again). there are many many movies that I haven't watched yet this month :( this week is superb. back as usual, I'm having examination every single day and on Wednesday is going to beeee: French. Wish me luck guys!

FYI, As I recognized that my recent posts're always talk about fashion stuffs, I decided to write more about me in-unfashioned-post, enjoy! :D

PS: I heard that "Rafflesia Arnoldii" (largest individual flower on earth) as one of the most famous Indonesian's plant is about to be "stolen" as Malaysian's? is that true? i'm just askin, no offense haha.


  1. stolen? no, it's officially Indonesia's

  2. not stolen la..
    you should read the news correctly...

    btw,, orang indonesia juga yah.. xixi..

  3. iya aku uda baca terus ada tulisan gini :

    "BENGKULU, - Klaim Malaysia terhadap bunga Raflesia arnoldi membangkitkan semangat Kelompok Peduli Puspa Langka Desa Tebat Monok, Kabupaten Kepahiang untuk melestarikan habitat flora langka itu."

    jd sebenernya di klaim malaysian's apa ngga sih hahahaha

  4. geez,whats with the whole...who belongs to who? why cant you people just learn to live in peace?
    no offense to you blogger but to certain indonesian people mainly who still doesnt get the meaning of peace.

    Im half indo and half malay,so am I acceptable?
    WHO do I belong to? I wonder?

    watch this!:-


  5. wowow chill man, chill. i aint talk about peace. i'm still love malay, i often go there. i mean, really, no offense. i'm just "asking". this is what i heard from people outside, so if you have a good references then you can share :) thanks for the video anyway.
